Thursday, August 27, 2020

WeetBix Slice

 Yesterday on room 9’s class call we made weet bix slice. We all got packs of what we needed from Mrs Faalili. First we mixed all the ingredients together. Then we put the mixture into a tray and in the oven.  After 15 minutes everyone took theirs out of the oven in their kitchen. I waited for mine to cool down and then I made the icing. The recipe said to put cocoa powder in the icing but I did not because I wanted to make vanilla icing. Then I put colourful sprinkles on top. That evening my family and I ate some for dessert. My family really liked it but I didn't.  I did not like it because of the chocolate and the weetbix mixed together inside the slice.

Before icing


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wednesday's Maths

 Wednesday's Maths 

Today my maths group did book work. Book work is when you get the questions from a book that is full of maths questions.  Today the work was about fractions.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Harry Potter Cartooned

 Harry Potter Cartooned

Today I cartoonified Harry potter. It was really hard to trace the hair so my brother Ryan helped me a bit. It was hard to get the glasses right.



Monday, August 24, 2020

Baking tamarillo and apple crumble

 On Sunday I baked some tamarillo and apple crumble.  First I peeled, cut and cooked the apples.  Next I spooned all the tamarillo into a bowl and mixed the the apples and tamarillo together. Then we made the crumble. Some of the ingredients are Brown sugar, coconut and oats.  When it was finished we ate it with ice cream.  I liked the crunch in the crumble. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Tread Lightly Caravan Kahoot

 Today I did the Tread Lightly Caravan kahoot.  It was about what we did when the caravan came to our school. My name was THEPROATKAHOOT!.

Here is my score I came in 30th place because I was not fast enough.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Art Game

 Today on Room 9's video call we played a game called blind artist. I don't know why it is called that because it has nothing to do with blind artists.  The rules are simple someone has to say 4 instructions of things to draw and the other people have to draw the things that the person says. This is my one that I did on google drawings.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

My Digital Footprint

 My Digital Footprint

This my my digital footprint. A digital footprint is were you have been on your like your tabs.   A digital footprint is permanent so you can not delete it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

My lockdown weekend

My lockdown weekend 

 This is my plan for my writing