Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Cybersmart challenge how to be prepared for your Lockdown video calls

Today I did the Cybersmart challenge.

It was another Lockdown special and it was all about being prepared for your online video calls.

It was all about Google meet manners and rules.

Be organised, prepared and on-time. Make sure your camera is on.

You may have to wait for your teacher to let you in.

Don't get up in the middle of your cool to do anything or get any food.

Make sure you have a good background that doesn't have any glare. 


  1. Wow really prepared, impress Maia keep it up.

  2. Hi Maia, I showed your poster to my son Zameer and he said he picked up some new things that he did not really know. So, see Maia through sharing our work we are able to help people learn about something new. Keep up the fantastic home learning up. Ka Pai. Miharo!


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